Saturday, March 4, 2023

Brad Jacobson Talks Surfing for Dummies & Localism

I think Brad Jacobson does a really good job describing the basics of surfing and also provides some good insight to localism. So if you're new to surfing this may really help you stay safe in and out of the water. Check it out: 

Surfing for Dummies. Just the basics

Watch this before heading out to try surfing. It's just the basics but it will give you a bit more of an understanding of the surf equipment you will be using. Have questions? Ask away in the comments and I'll try to answer as best as I can. Thanks for watching! I'm Brad Jacobson and I'll sea you on the sand.

Have you tried any of these methods? I don't think throwing your wetsuit in the oven will get you the right results. I pit AI GPT against actual surfers responses and am blown away how accurate it was. Thanks for watching! I'm Brad Jacobson and I'll sea ya on the sand.

Does localism hurt surfing? Throwing rocks, slashing tires, waxing windows and worse. Here's my 2 cents (not worth much) and I'd interested to see how you feel about it. Thanks for watching! I'm Brad Jacobson and I'll sea ya on the sand.

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