Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013: My Year in Review

Eric Cedeno May 2013

At the end of 2011 I wasn’t feeling so good and I found one obvious reason, I hadn’t been surfing much. The more I surfed the happier I become. So I started tracking the days, surf locations, boards etc to remind myself of the good times I’ve had. It also served as a reminder to me to surf more often.  In 2013 my Total Days Surfed was  61. I will admit that 2013 was a good improvement over last year (2012) were my Total Days Surfed was only 44. I surf 81 times in 61 days during 2013, but mostly on the weekends.

January (Days Surfed 0)

I didn’t surf at all in January. Actually I had been sick since December and was still having a hard time recovering. I figured I should start eating healthier and hoped that would help turn things around for me. I wrote about it: How Bruce Lee Influenced My Hunger for Change... By Eric Cedeno

February (Days Surfed: 2)

Eric Cedeno February 2013
In late February I was trying to figure out what why I was so edgy and angry. It turns out the last time I had surfed was on 12-2-12. It was no wonder I was a wreck. I went back and looked at my notes for the year and tried to remember those good times out in the water that I felt like I was forgetting. I put in the effort and got two days in at my home break. It felt like a good start.

March (Days Surfed: 4)
Ave A, Redondo Beach 3-24-13 Photo By X-Man
I surfed on the first day March and then again towards the end of the month. I always dig it when X-Man takes pictures of me surfing. I always try and make the best out of whatever the surf has to offer and every once in a while I’ll get X-Man to capture a few pictures of me surfing.

April (Days Surfed: 8)
San Pedro 4-26-13 Photo By Eric Cedeno 
I got six days in at my home break and pretty much spend all the time riding my longboards. Looking back now it seems like I was gaining momentum by doubling the days I’d surfed each month. I even made a few trips down to San Pedro just to stack a few rocks.

May (31 days per month, Days Surfed: 15)
Eric Cedeno May 2013
Eric Cedeno May 2013
I surfed the most days of the year in May. I also surfed the most consecutive days in a row 10 days (5/24 thru 6/2). I know 10 days in a row doesn’t really sound that great, but it is a huge improvement from last year (2012) where most consecutive days surfed was only 3 days (5/1 thru 5/3). I spent most of time at my home break and rode a wide range of boards, I even did some bodysurfing.

June (Days Surfed: 6)
Sunset June 2013
I spend a lot of time at 26th street on my 9’0” longboard and would sometimes ride my 6’10” mini log. On 6/21 I caught wave of the day and got 3 in and outs (almost 4) on same wave overhead wave off the drain. I also got a few big waves out at Sunset Cliffs with a few friends.

July (Days Surfed: 4)

Manhattan July 2013
I had 6 surf sessions in 4 days. It was good practice, but overall it just didn’t compare to the previous months.

August (Days Surfed: 10)

Eric Cedeno August 2013
I spend some time surfing the east coast. I was able to sample a good range of surf in Cocoa Beach, FL (4 points). I picked up my longboard at Core Surf Shop. I asked if they would buy it back at the end if my trip and the said yes (minus $100 bucks or so). I was really stoked to ride a board that I know very well. cocoa beach pier (south side) longboard 2-3+. I did a quick surf check at the pier and it looked really fun out, sunny not much wind yet and pretty good shape. I called up my friend Lisa and she agreed to take some pictures of me surfing and meet me down at the pier with her canon 7d and big lenses. I put 3 hours of quarters in the parking meter just in case I got caught up having fun and loose track if time. The water was still warm but not as hot as it had been and I paddled out next to pier and sat in the line up with the other two surfers. I caught a good left and ran the nose and was dialed in after my first wave. I spent the next two hours catching waves and paddling back out. It was the most fun I think I've had all trip. Lisa shot photos from the beach and along the side of the pier- Good times!

September (Days Surfed: 2)

I got 3 local surf sessions in just two days. I took a good look at Mode of Transportation for Surf Exploration and now I really want a VW T5 California Van.

October (Days Surfed: 6)

Eric Cedeno October 2013
I scored a pretty amazing trip to Hawaii. I think the last time I surfed Oahu was about 15 years ago so I was very excited to get back home to Hawaii. I’m not really from Hawaii, but every time I leave Hawaii I feel like I’m leaving home. Maybe one day I’ll just stay home, in Hawaii for as long as it takes. I hooked up with a few close friends and surfed a few spots that I didn’t know existed. Also
caught a few remarkable waves. It definitely ranks up there as one of the best trips to Hawaii I ever had.

November (Days Surfed: 1)
Eric Cedeno November 2013
It’s always hard to get back into cold water after surfing somewhere tropical like Hawaii. Plus a few of my friends were getting bumped by sharks and I don't like that idea at all. Then I got a call from a friend who got a call from his friend that passed the word on down the line about a wherehouse wetsuit sale on the last day of the sale. I lucked out a scored a few suits. I got a new Vapor 4/3 and didn’t mind testing it out in the small walled surf. Wearing a new wetsuit in the water for the first time is like being stuck in traffic in a brand new car with heated seats and a great stereo. Somehow it just makes the things that usually annoy you seem far off. I had a good time and I think this is probably the best wetsuit I’ve ever had, and I’ve had lots over the years!

December (Days Surfed: 3)

December seemed like I had to work pretty hard at making the best of what I had. I got a few local surf sessions in and had a pretty good time enjoying the unseasonably hot Christmas weather. I really do love the SouthBay, it’s one of the few places in the USA that hit 80 degrees (F) on Christmas day. The water even warmed up a little to 58 degrees (F). I did score some awesome surf gear that I'm sure will prepare me for the Zombie Apocalypse.

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