Saturday, December 21, 2013

Eat Your Vegetables (#10) If Only For A Second... By Eric Cedeno

When I was a kid I didn't like to eat my vegetables. At the time I didn't see a need for them. I used to joke to my mom that I would catch up on eating all my vegetables at our next Thanksgiving dinner which of course was months away. I understand now that my mom wanted me to be healthy and vegetables are good for me. This segment is about eating your vegetables, well mentally. The vegetables that I'll be dishing out to you are for your own good. It's a dose of getting exposed to something that might be new to most of you, even outside of the usual surf culture. It's ok if you don't like it, but like my mom said,"at least give it a try before next Thanksgiving."

In the last two years I have had a some of my friends get cancer, some beat it others passed away. I think a lot people get caught up in their own world and sometimes forget how much of a positive impact we can have on each other. Sometimes it can be something as small or forgetful as just saying thank you. Sometimes it can be a friend retelling a story about how you dealt them the best hand of cards they ever had and they still lost the hand to a higher straight flush (I was the dealer- and its a true story). In this case its a group of people that got together to remind some people of the happiness that can be found inside themselves - If only for a second. Sometimes helping others only takes a second. If its something really worth doing then you may smile whenever you remember it. Take a second out of your day to do something nice for someone else. What goes around comes around, let it be something nice that comes back to you... if only for a second...

IF ONLY FOR A SECOND // Mimi Foundation // EN

Mimi Foundation Mimi Foundation

Published on Dec 4, 2013
20 cancer patients participated in a unique makeover experience.
They were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were completely redone.

During the transformation, they were asked to keep their eyes shut.
A photographer then immortalized the moment they opened their eyes.

This discovery allowed them to forget their illness, IF ONLY FOR A SECOND.


Thank you so much for all your comments and reactions which overwhelmed us a little but which show us that we are on the right track. Currently we help 15.000 patients each year. We are a Foundation that operates only through private donations. Should everyone who liked this video make a donation (even a very small one), this would really help us to make the difference every day for many more cancer patients! Have a look at you again!

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