Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Best Surf Shots of Me This Summer...

6-30-12 Saturday Torrance Beach 1-3'+
My sister called me around 8:00 am and asked if I could watch my nephew X-Man for the day. "Sure-Sure no problem" I said. Then My friend Dust called me up and wanted to surf "Sure-Sure no problem, but have to pick up X-man first" I said. We were all a little hungry for breakfast so we picked up X-man and then we loaded up Dust's truck and headed for Eat at Joes in Redondo for Breakfast. I got my usual two eggs over medium, home fries and a side of biscuits and gravy. Back in high school I used to go to Eat at Joes for breakfast like four times a week, often enough that the waitresses would loan me money so I could get a bigger breakfast when I was short on cash.

After breakfast we cruised over to DiveNSurf so I could get X-man a spring suit, after all the water is still pretty chilly (even for a kid). I figured it would be easiest to go straight to Torrance and I'd pay for parking instead of waisting time trying to find on a spot on a weekend during summer, which everyone who lives around the beach knows is almost impossible at this time. I paid the $7 bucks for parking and we got a good spot next to the big ramp at the end of the lot. I brought a few cameras with me just in case I could talk Dust into taking some shot of me surfing (and he agreed to take a few shots). X-man and I suited up and we were ready to catch a few waves on the inside. X-man is still really new to surfing and has only been out a few times so we stayed on the inside where it was only about waist deep (chest deep if you are 10 years old). I pushed him into a few waves on my 7'10" noserider and we were both stoked. 

Eric Cedeno and X-Man Torrance Beach 6-30-12 by Dustin F. Meyer
Even with a spring suit on he was getting pretty cold so he decided to warm up on the sand and I went out to get a few waves. It was a little tricky out there but I made the best of it. Dust stayed on shore with my Canon EOS 20D on a tripod to take pictures and I was trying not to waste his time. Most of the waves just closed out, but every now and then a little wave would peak up and stay pretty clean. Dust got the best sequence shots of me that I have ever seen! Check it out-

Eric Cedeno Torrance Beach 6-30-12 by Dustin F. Meyer

Eric Cedeno Torrance Beach 6-30-12 by Dustin F. Meyer

Eric Cedeno Torrance Beach 6-30-12 by Dustin F. Meyer
I'm now hoping to get him to take pictures again when it's big out this winter. Stoked!

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