Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Read, Read, Read and then Read Some More…

It took me a long time to find enjoyment in reading books. I have always enjoyed books with lots of pictures were minimum reading was required on my part. I think I started really reading for fun soon after I started learning how to surf. You would think that I would love reading my whole life after surviving a near death experience that left me blind in the hospital for week when I was four years old. Let’s face it, having eyes that work and can see is pretty cool and being able to read words is also a privilege (not everyone knows how to read).  For me I didn’t like to read because it gave me headaches, later in life I learned that I have a stigmatism in my eye and that makes it harder for me to read for any length of time. 

Not wanting to read could also be from the way reading was crammed in my face at school when I was a kid. Then again it may be that my mom was a book-aholic, a chronic reader and being a kid sometimes means you think whatever your parents like must not be cool and should be avoided. Time has a way of changing things. I actually like to read books and blogs now. It’s a fun way to pass the time now and then. I also enjoy making art, oil paintings mostly, but I will use almost any medium to make my mark. I think I will give this book carving a try. I don’t like the idea of destroying a book, unless it’s a crappy one that’s pretty much dead to begin with. I might start with an old phonebook or something like that. Here are some cool book carvings that I found looking around the world, from my computer desk, at my house.

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