Friday, February 27, 2015

Skateboard Dancing…Time to get down

This might be new to you, looks like longboard skateboard dancing is world wide. Check it out: 

Published on Mar 25, 2014
The crazy adventure of the spanish krew in their trip to Eindhoven... So many laughs, good moments and a lot a lot of dancing. So... You think you can longboard dance?


Lado "B" do vídeo "Dancing, Freestyle, Freeride & Downhill

Published on Feb 4, 2014

gravamos por 8 dias os 4 núcleos que compõe o vídeo "Dancing, Freestyle, Freeride & Downhill."
Muitas imagens foram descartadas como essas do núcleo feminino.
Assista nesse lado B as imagens não usadas de Ana Maria Suzano e Sara Watanabe.

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This is what they had to say about at:

Dancing on a Longboard?


  • Longboards have emerged across the world as a collaborative skating movement. It’s great way to ride to class, to the bus, and involves a variety of disciplines. A discipline that taps into the roots of surfing is called dancing. Dancing is the integration of walking and spinning moves much like the old school board walking techniques. Afterall, longboarding is just land surfing at the end of the day!
    Once you feel comfortable on your longboard with balance and movement, the next step is dancing (when standing still becomes too boring). Longboards great for dancing are 40 inches or longer and can be as wide as 10 inches. It can be performed on a smaller board, but larger boards provide a larger platform and more stability, however, they take more skill to maneuver.
    Dancing is all about the creativity of style and show. Need some inspiration? Some easy tricks for beginners include chop the wood, spin big, cross stepping, the shanker, and walking the plank. These are some basic to get you started, but remember dancing is about showmanship, so any number of combos and variations are encouraged. Get creative!
    Chop the Wood
    Kick your back foot out and then land back on the board.
    Spin Big
    Rotate the board 180° and the rider does a 360°.
    Cross Stepping
    Rider walks across the board with alternating steps while carving (can help maintain speed).
    A Shanker
    Pop the board up while riding.
    Walk the Plank
    Similar to a Cross Step, but rather than crossing your feet while skating, the rider walks back and forth across the board.

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