Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Eddie Would Go: Man and Mantra (via

Each year, on the first Thursday after Thanksgiving, hundreds of people gather at Waimea Bay for the opening ceremony of the Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau Contest. The ceremony marks the beginning of the three-month waiting period when the waves must reach heights of at least 20 feet before they can hold the contest. The last one was held in 2009, and thousands of people lined the beaches and cliffs to watch the epic rides and wipeouts.
For more than 10 years, I have been driving to the North Shore to join the gathering of family, friends, surfers and spectators at the beach park near Eddie’s memorial. We watch as Eddie’s sister Myra and his brothers Clyde and Sol greet each of the big-wave riders who are invited to compete in the prestigious event. The competitors stand shoulder to shoulder with their long, spear-like boards behind them like some modern tribe of wave warriors about to go into battle.
As the Aikau’s family kahu blesses each of the surfers, he tells them about Eddie’s fierce love of the ocean and how his spirit still watches over all those who surf, swim and play in the Bay’s powerful waters. He mentions the phrase “Eddie Would Go” and I can recall how my life was transformed by those fateful three words.

When I moved to Hawaii many moons ago, I saw the phrase “Eddie Would Go” on so many bumper stickers and t-shirts that I thought it might be the state motto. Like many malihini, I wondered, Who was Eddie and where did he go?
Local friends explained that Eddie Aikau had been a proud Native Hawaiian, a respected lifeguard and a fearless big-wave rider who disappeared at sea. Intrigued, I wanted to know more about this man, how he had become an almost mythic Hawaiian icon and why the saying “Eddie Would Go” was such a popular mantra.
While teaching literature and creative writing at Punahou School, I met a colleague named Marion Lyman-Mercereau, who had known Eddie and been one of the last people to see him alive. She and Eddie were crewmembers on a Polynesian voyaging canoe called Hokule’a that capsized while sailing from Hawaii to Tahiti, and she told me about how he had tried to save the rest of the crew and was never seen again.
After hearing her story, I wanted to write an article and maybe even a book about Eddie Aikau’s remarkable life. But I was just a haole from the mainland and a relatively unknown writer, and it didn’t seem my place to pen such a biography. But as a writer, surfer and teacher, I was captivated by Eddie’s story and began learning more about him and his family.
A couple of years later, I met two legendary Punahou teachers named Peter Cole and Fred Van Dyke, who had surfed the biggest waves in the world with Eddie at Waimea Bay. When I expressed interest in writing about Eddie, they introduced me to the Aikau family. I remember Clyde told me, “Any friend of Peter and Fred’s is a friend of ours.” I met and interviewed his siblings Clyde, Myra and Sol, and though hesitant at first, they began sharing their memories with me. Through laughter and tears, their stories temporarily brought him back to life.
While writing Eddie Would Go, there were times when I worried if the manuscript would ever be finished or even published. I had already spent four years researching, writing and interviewing Eddie’s family, friends, surfers, lifeguards and sailors. But how was I going to put all the stories together in a way that would honor his life without turning the man into a myth?
1970 short board revolution Gerald, Clyde, Eddie and Willie Kapuni
During the darkest moments of doubt, I would close my eyes and think, “Eddie Would Go.” Then, I would go surfing or swimming to clear my head. Sometimes, I would see a sea turtle gliding beneath me in the water, and I always felt better and more focused afterwards. Those three words became my mantra during the marathon writing sessions, and I would chant them in my mind to channel Eddie’s courage and spirit of perseverance. That mantra would become not only the title of my book but the central theme of the story.
Born on Maui in 1946, Eddie Aikau came from a Native Hawaiian family whose ancestors included kahuna and voyagers who sailed across the Pacific and settled the Islands more than 800 years before. But like many Hawaiians, the family had lost their land and much of their culture after the overthrow of their kingdom at the turn of the century. Poor yet fiercely proud of their heritage, his parents moved the ohana to Honolulu for better economic opportunities in 1959, the year Hawaii became the 50th state.
The six Aikau kids grew up in a Chinese graveyard, which the family took care of in exchange for a free place to stay. The family loved to surf on the South Shore and play Hawaiian music together. Years later, Eddie and his youngest brother Clyde joined a handful of big-wave pioneers who dared to ride the mountainous swells at North Shore spots like Sunset Beach and Waimea Bay. But when the waves reached 30-40 feet in height, even the best surfers would pull back from riding those monsters! But Eddie would go, and the others began to take notice.

Because there were no lifeguards on the beaches at that time, Eddie and other surfers often had to rescue tourists and military guys who had gotten way over their heads in the waves. He became one of the first lifeguards on the North Shore and was later named Lifeguard of the Year in 1971 after saving many lives.
Whenever the waves became too big and dangerous, the lifeguard captain would warn his guards not to risk their own lives in the surf but to call for a helicopter rescue instead. Still, no matter how critical the conditions were, Eddie would go charging into the surf if he saw someone in danger. His captain joked that even if he chained him to the lifeguard tower, “Eddie would still go!” That’s when the saying began to take hold.
During his short yet intense life, Eddie Aikau went from being a poor, high school dropout who was often made to feel ashamed of his culture to becoming a well-respected big-wave rider, lifeguard and Hawaiian leader who was fiercely proud of his heritage. After a trip to South Africa for a pro surfing contest, Eddie experienced the brutal racism of apartheid first-hand. He had traveled halfway around the world only to learn that he was not allowed at the “Whites Only” hotels and beaches. The experience scarred him, but instead of becoming bitter, Eddie would go on to fight against prejudice in his own homeland.
Several years later, Eddie saved a few arrogant Australian surfers from being attacked by a mob of angry Hawaiians. He even set up a tribunal to resolve racial conflicts on the North Shore, and both sides were impressed by his quiet dignity and leadership.
For 10 years, Eddie competed in the Duke Classic, the most prestigious pro surf contest at that time. Duke Kahanamoku had been a legendary surfer and Olympic swimming champion, and Eddie always wanted to win the contest in honor of his childhood hero. In 1977, he finally won the event in big waves at Sunset Beach. In an emotional speech, he dedicated his victory to his family, the Hawaiians and all the people of Hawaii. Even though he was painfully shy, Eddie would go to great lengths to share what he felt in his heart.
In spite of his victory and accomplishments, Eddie was restless and wanted to take part in the rebirth of traditional culture that was sweeping across the Islands. And nothing symbolized the Hawaiian Renaissance more than the Hokule’a. The 60-foot double-hulled voyaging canoe was a replica of the vessels that brought the first sailors and settlers across the Pacific to Hawaii. Eddie and crew members from the Polynesian Voyaging Society wanted to sail Hokule’a from Hawaii all the way to Tahiti, using only the stars and ocean swells as their guides.
1978 March 16 Magic Island - Hokulea crew preparing for voyage to Tahiti
On the windy afternoon of March 16, 1978, Eddie and 15 other sailors embarked on the 2500-mile voyage to Tahiti. He had brought his surfboard in hopes of surfing the waves there. But during the first night, the voyaging canoe was caught in a sudden storm and waves began flooding one of the hulls. The canoe capsized, and the crew was thrown into the dark, raging sea. Stranded miles from shore, the shocked sailors clung to the overturned hull as they were lashed by the gale-force winds and waves.
By morning, it became clear how bad their situation was. Two of the sailors had been violently seasick and were going into shock. Eddie volunteered to paddle his surfboard through the stormy seas to the island of Lanai, which they could barely see on the horizon. After refusing his request at first, the captain consulted with the navigator and officers and then made his decision: Eddie would go.
On the morning of March 17, 1978, Eddie Aikau paddled off on his surfboard toward the island of Lanai more than 15 miles away. The crew watched him slowly disappear in the distance, praying that he would make it to shore and help save them.
Miraculously, the rest of the crew was later rescued by the Coast Guard. A pilot with Hawaiian Airlines happened to see the faint glow of their last flare out of the corner of his eye. Working with the survivors, the authorities then launched one of the largest air, sea and land rescue efforts in Hawaiian history. But they never found Eddie’s body or his board. That’s when the words Eddie Would Go began to take a life of their own.
After finally finishing the manuscript, I hoped Eddie’s story would resonate with the people of Hawaii and maybe reach readers on the mainland as well. Although an agent was able to pitch my manuscript to the biggest publishers in the country, the New York editors eventually rejected it. They said there wasn’t a big enough audience outside of Hawaii that would be interested in reading about this relatively unknown surfer’s life and adventures.
Refusing to give up, I decided to create my own company and publish the book myself. I hired an editor and layout designer and raised enough money to pay for the printing of 7,500 copies. As Eddie’s brother Clyde likes to say about riding giant waves, I decided to “Go big or go home!”
When Eddie Would Go first hit the bookstores, it made a splash, and the ripples began spreading across the media. I remember reading the first newspaper review with trembling hands. I prayed it was going to be favorable and that I wouldn’t be kicked off the Island like a bad episode of Survivor. To my surprise, the opening line read, “Only a mainland haole could have written this book.” What?! Why would he say that? The reviewer Greg Ambrose went on to write, “Eddie Aikau has become such a powerful Hawaiian icon that the emotional, cultural and historical baggage would have immobilized a local writer trying to tell Eddie’s remarkable tale.”
Eddie Would Go eventually became a bestseller in Hawaii, maybe because people were hungry for a genuine hero. At one event, a big Hawaiian man came up to me and asked me if I was the author. I swallowed and said I was. “Before you wrote that book, you was just one haole from the mainland,” he said seriously as a slight smile emerged. “Now, you one local haole.” I think he meant it as a compliment.
Wanting to take Eddie’s story to the mainland, I set up speaking engagements and book signings in cities where I had friends who could help me. The highlight of the tour was giving a talk at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. I drove up and down the East and West Coasts, doing readings in small, independent bookstores, national chains and even surf shops, often selling copies out of my rental car.
I was humbled when Eddie’s story won awards in Hawaii and received good press in newspapers and magazines across the country. That’s when St. Martin’s Press agreed to publish the national paperback edition. As word spread about this uniquely Hawaiian hero, international publishers got involved and later released small editions of the book in the UK, Brazil, Japan and Germany. Eddie had always been a proud Hawaiian at heart, a local boy who loved to surf and play music, but his selfless spirit and courageous sacrifice struck a chord with people around the world.
Since his disappearance at sea in 1978, Eddie’s reputation has only grown over the years. Along with the contest in his honor at Waimea Bay, the state recognized his sacrifice by proclaiming March 17th Eddie Aikau Day. The family set up a non-profit organization called the Eddie Aikau Foundation, which sponsors a student essay contest and college scholarships. Each year, a big group of us volunteer to read through hundreds of essays, and it’s inspiring to see how Eddie still inspires new generations of kids.
At the awards banquet for the essay contest this past March 17, 2012, Eddie’s sister Myra and brother Sol called out my name at the ceremony. At first, I thought I was in trouble with them for talking during their speech. But then, they announced that I had won the Eddie Aikau Award. That recognition from the family meant more to me than any review or literary award.
Along with the tenth anniversary of the book’s publication in December, there is now a feature-length documentary about his life that will premiere at film festivals across the country and then air on ESPN. A tech-savvy group of teachers in Hawaii are also working to produce an iBook version of the story that will engage young readers with links to websites about Hawaiian culture and the Hokule’a, archival footage of Eddie surfing and current clips of the Eddie Contest.
Each year at the opening ceremony of the Eddie Contest, I watch as a new crop of surfers joins the tribe of big-wave riders at Waimea Bay. Even in his 50’s, Eddie’s brother Clyde is still competing. He charged into some of the bigger waves of the day during the last contest in 2009.
After the Aikau’s family priest blesses the surfers with ti leaves and saltwater, he asks Eddie’s spirit to watch over and protect them during the competition. As part of the timeless ceremony, the competitors paddle out into the Bay to honor his memory. Sitting on their boards, they form a circle, a kind of living lei, and share stories about Eddie’s fearlessness in the face of such giant waves.
During the first “Eddie” at Waimea Bay in 1987, the surf was so big that contest officials debated whether they should send the contestants out into such massive waves. Filming the event for a documentary, director Jack McCoy asked big-wave legend Mark Foo if they should even hold the contest. Staring at the huge surf, Foo slowly turned toward the camera, smiled and said, “Eddie would go.”
Caught in the crosshairs of time, Foo made his famous remark almost a decade after Eddie’s disappearance at sea and a decade before his own death while surfing at Mavericks in Northern California. But at that moment, Foo breathed new life into the old mantra and became part of the pantheon of big-wave surfers. He almost won that contest in 1985, but Eddie’s brother barely beat him in the finals. Seeing two sea turtles way outside, Clyde felt he should follow them and ended up catching the largest wave of the day. He still insists that Eddie’s spirit was guiding him that day.

Looking back, I realize that those three words not only captured the spirit of Eddie’s life and legacy, but they have also become an inspiring mantra for people in Hawaii and around the world.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

MOVIE: "Little Victories" - A California Surf Film

<a href="/channel/UCSZy7dboa_o9X8itlpQx7yw" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-sessionlink="ei=Vl56VNL2H8bHqQXPwILQBg" data-ytid="UCSZy7dboa_o9X8itlpQx7yw" data-name="">Surf Channel Television Network</a> 

Published on Jan 20, 2014

"Little Victories" is a 30-minute surf film by Perry Gershkow about venturing all along the California coastline in search of wave variety, terrain, and creating little victories along the way.

Perry, an action sports filmmaker from Marin county, gathered his buds and hit the California coast starting in Santa Cruz heading north. The crew scored at eight different surf spots along the way ending their surf adventure with some serious tube time in San Francisco.

Surfers include: Austin Smith-Ford, Tyler Payne, Colin Dwyer, Bryce Adams, Chris Williams, Michael Taras, Teddy Miller, Matt Myers, Kyle Thiermann, Jason "Ratboy" Collins, Morgan Albertoli, Josh Scofield, Trevor Bloom, Ian Glover, Jordan Stern and Josh Ryan.

RC Pilot filming: Shon Bollock

The Surf Channel will be an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network,

For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out:

* Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Dropping Jaws with Maui big-wave surfer Paige Alms (via Grind TV)

Big wave surfer Paige Alms from Maui; frame grab from video
Big wave surfer Paige Alms from Maui; screen grab from video
There has always been an underground element to the world of big-wave riding. For the most part, those who put their lives on the line at waves like Jaws, Mavericks, and Waimea Bay, to name a few, aren’t doing it for a paycheck or to make the pages of surf magazines; they truly have a passion for riding mountain-sized waves. One such surfer is 26-year-old Maui, Hawaii, resident Paige Alms. Surfing alongside Maui chargers like Albee Layer and Matt Meola, big-wave surfer Alms can hold her own—and then some—with the world’s best when thunderous swells hit the North Shore of Maui, particularly the legendary spot known as Peahi (aka Jaws).

How did you get into surfing big waves?
My first real big-wave experience was when I was 15. My mentor, Chris Vandervoort, took me out to an outer reef here on Maui called Pier 1. I was on a 9-foot board, caught a few memorable waves, got pounded, and was hooked.

What was your first session out at Jaws like?
My first paddle session out at Peahi [Jaws] was a memorable one for sure. We’d been towing it for years, so it wasn’t completely new, but going in and out over the huge boulders was definitely different. Matt Meola and Albee Layer both called me and my boyfriend, Sean Ordonez, who shapes all of Matt’s boards and all of Albee’s big-wave guns, and told us it was 15 feet and light wind—a perfect day to come out! I caught three waves that day, then broke my leash and lost my board. Albee had just broken his board and the both of us were swimming in the lineup. Luckily a Jet Ski had just shown up, and [he] gave us a ride into the rocks. Ten minutes later, as we watched from shore, our friend Yuri took a late drop, got hit in the face with his board, broke his jaw, and his board washed ashore. That day I decided for myself that at least one ski has to be in the water if we are paddling.

How do the guys treat you in the lineup?
Most of the guys are super supportive and friendly, but some of the ones I’ve never met just paddle by and don’t even say hello. I just laugh.

Have you had any negative experiences with guys out there?
I’ve never really had any negative experiences with any of the guys, except when Robby Naish accidentally burned me and I had to jump off in the pit and got my board to my face. Haha! SUPers … It’s all good, though.

How do you conquer the fear associated with surfing big waves?
I guess fear is the main thing besides Mother Nature that you deal with when surfing big waves. It is something that limits you if you can’t work through it, and I find that mental challenge to be one of the most rewarding feelings when you get past that wall. I guess it’s mind over matter and just having the confidence in your body and knowing what you can handle.
Maui big-wave surfer Paige Alms makes her way over the treacherous boulders that line the shore at Jaws; screen grab from video
Maui big-wave surfer Paige Alms makes her way over the treacherous boulders that line the shore at Jaws; screen grab from video
Tell us about your worst wipeout out there.
Worst wipeout … I’ve had a few good ones and they all tend to lead to whiplash. I caught a bomb in October of 2012 where I hit a chop at the bottom of the wave and went down; that was probably the worst just because of the size of the wave and where I was. I was sore for a few days after that for sure.
What’s next for the ladies who ride mountains? Where do you see the sport going from a woman’s perspective? 
I guess what’s next is just continuing to push the limits. I think we will be catching bigger, better waves every session we have—and hopefully have women’s heats at the Big Wave World Tour events.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's that time again…for some Halloween Surf

Halloween surf competition in California - no comment

Published on Oct 27, 2014
Surfers sported their most spectacular costumes while riding waves to compete in the annual Haunted Heats Halloween Surf Competition in Santa Monica.

Let the pictures do the talking: subscribe to No Comment

No Comment is brought to you by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.


Published on Oct 26, 2014
Blackies 2014 Annual "Halloween Costume and Surf", A fun get together for surfers young & old to don their Halloween costumes and Surf at Blackies in Newport Beach California. Great family fun for all to enjoy. Video Taped 10-25-2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Remember Hurricane Marie… August 27, 2014...

I had another dream about this day and just wanted to share some of what I remember seeing with you. Check it out:

(Huge Surf) Big Wednesday Highlight Reel at The Wedge, Courtesy Hurricane Marie, August 2014 (HD)


Published on Aug 28, 2014
Huge surf on Wednesday 8/27/2014 at The Wedge. Bodysurfing, bodyboarding, and surfing.
Some of these clips were featured on "CBS This Morning":

Longboarding The Wedge - (BIG WEDNESDAY)

Published on Aug 30, 2014
Joe Aaron rides a 30 foot rogue monster at The Wedge on his 9'5'' Log during Hurricane Marie on Wednesday aug 27th 2014.

The Point Newport Beach, 56th street, 18th st, Hurrican Marie aug 27 2014

Published on Aug 29, 2014
Did you know Newport Beach breaks 1/4 mile out. Check it out in this surfing video

4k Aerial 56th Street Newport Beach Hurricane Marie Swell // Wednesday, August 27th

Published on Aug 29, 2014
DJI S1000
GH4 4K 24fps
GH4 1920 60fps
Olympus ED 12mm F/2
Pilot: Jason Newton
Director of Photography: Tim Worden
Assistant: Kailee Newton
Music: James Hoffstetter

Big Wednesday Surfing in Malibu. Insane Hurricane Marie swell hits north Los Angeles

Published on Aug 30, 2014
Hurricane Marie aka "the perfect storm" as far as Southern California surfers are concerned turned August 27, 2014 into a day to remember . Double to triple overhead conditions brought pros to Surfrider and Zuma beaches including Laird Hamilton, Reef Mcintosh, and Joel Tudor. Local legend Allen Sarlo shot the pier multiple times, including once with Laird on the same wave. Enjoy the footage and don't forget to subscribe!!

Shot with Gopro Hero 3+, Canon 5D mark iii and 6D

Song: Counting Down the Days by Daniel Bambaata Marley

Friday, October 17, 2014

Carving It Up… For Halloween

Two things that I love about Hawaii are 1) carving big turns in the amazing surf and 2) the awesome local pineapples. I think this year I want to carve up a few pineapples too… Here's a few ideas I found online, check it out:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Snorkeling with a Mustache or Beard (Via

by Roy Jamason

We received a call from a male customer to who had purchased a mask in our brick and mortar location about four months prior to his vacation. Most of the masks that we sell had fit his face quite well and he used his new mask at a pool to verify the fit and was pleased with his purchase. His phone call came about a week before his vacation in which he stated that his mask no longer fit. After going through some troubleshooting and not being able to determine the cause, we asked him to come back in. As soon as he walked in, we immediately determined the reason, he had been cultivating a rather bushy mustache since he used his mask.

The mask covers portions of the face which is inclusive of the area located between the nostrils of the nose and the upper lip as well as portions of the cheekbone area on both sides of the face. The sealing surface of the mask skirt is to conform to those areas in a way that keeps it air tight. If it can not conform to these areas then it can not create an airtight seal thereby allowing water to enter into the viewing area. Having facial hair may have an adverse effect on the sealing capability of a mask in that the hair is breaking the seal that the skirt is trying to offer. Between a mustache and a beard, it is the mustache that would have the greater affect with regard to being the culprit for leakage as most beards are not often grown high enough up the cheek bone areas to interfere with the skirt. (read our article, Anatomy of the Mask).


Most snorkelers with a leaky mask will think that tightening the mask strap will alleviate this problem but in reality this may make the leakage problem worse. The material used in the skirt and sealing surface which (in quality masks) is a soft and pliable silicone, which will end up being stretched so it will not conform to the face. In this instance the simple act of smiling or even removal of the snorkel will cause the mask to leak, you should try loosening the strap to create a better seal. It may take a few tries to find the correct tension needed for the correct seal. The way the strap in positioned on the back of the head may play a role in achieving the perfect seal by moving it to the crown of the head will create a tighter seal around the lower portion of the skirt without compromising the flexibility of the silicone.


  1. Try thinning out the mustache. A mustache that is too thick will definitely not provide the proper seal.
  2. Trim the mustache area below the nostrils and the lip area to try to create a bare area on which the mask may seal.
  3. Shorten the length of your mustache like the pencil thin mustache, doing this may allow enough of the seal to actually do it.
  4. Make sure that your mask has a silicone skirt as it remains pliable in a wider temperature range than other materials. Masks using PVC will stiffen up in cooler temperatures which will affect their sealing capabilities.
  5. You may have heard people talk about putting petroleum jelly on the mustache, this is something that you do not want to do as it will interact with the silicone of the skirt and cause it to deteriorate. A product called Mask Seal is a food grade silicone that when applied to the mustache will help to create a better sealing surface for the skirt.

  6. If you have tried all of the above without success, your choices would be limited to dealing with water in your mask or just shave off your mustache.
These are just a few tips for you to try with the last two being the one's with the best success rates. With regard to the gentleman who came in the store.....he ended up shaving his off, but before you hate us, just a reminder that after his adventure in the water he grew his mustache back.