Thursday, April 12, 2012

What do you mean you never heard of the SouthBay....

Well if you haven't heard of the SouthBay then here's a few videos to help bring you up to speed.... (I'll add more to this later...)

80's Surf Stars of the South Bay, Chris Frohoff, 

Ted Robinson, Kelly Gibson, 02-10-88

(El Porto, 1988)

Redondo Breakwall 02-05-91 

Frohoff, Robinson, Gibson, Cukr, Martinez, Frosty, 


(Break Wall 1991)

Somewhere in the South Bay 12.8.07

(Burn-Out 2007)

Haggerty's Surfing 02-04-93

(Haggs 1993)

Surfing in Palos Verdes 1979-1982

(PV 1979-82)

Surfing the Palos Verdes Coast In Los Angeles, California

(PV 2010)

Lunada Bay Surf - Winter 2012

(Lunada 2012)

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